i am the sun
the other day, while listening to a podcast i got inspired to write this lil poem. the sun has always been something i have been drawn to. for warmth, for light, for positively. even sophomore year of college when friends where speaking of getting tattoos i thought to myself if i were to ever get one what would it be. wanting a meaning behind it i thought about a lil sun! what a perfect reminder of all things positive. i really wish i had the message i typed to my friends about the reasons why i would choose a sun, but the podcast brought me back to those days thinking of tattoos and why the sun is a great representation of all things good. she is beautiful.
i am the sun
who is your role model? they ask
which celebrity do you look up to?
but out of all the stars in and under the sky
it’s the sun who speaks to me
her warmth is comforting
her light is hers
truly nobody else shines as bright as she
for her light is the brightest of them all
she is hers
unique in nature
helping others grow beside her
a ball of energy
sustaining life for all
and no matter how down she gets she always comes back up
day after day
she is an essence of positivity
and it is her
her, i want to be like her.